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 Please consider donating to my campaign. Even a small donation will go a long way. I would like to collect many small donations from those who support me.


Campaign Donation Limits

Individual - $6,650,00

Partnership - $6,650.00

PAC without Mega Status (non-corp. and non-union funds) - $6,650.00

PAC with Mega Status (non-corp. and non-union funds - $13,300.00 Political Party- (non-corp and non-union funds) $10,400.00


Corporation, LLC, Trust, Joint Venture, Co-Op or other unincorporated Organization or Association or Unions.

To donate please either copy and paste this form or put the information on a separate sheet of paper and mail with your check made payable to:  Becky for Assessor

Mail to: Becky for Assessor 

P.O. Box 6693

Kingman, AZ 86402

OR, donate ONLINE using the DONATE NOW FORM


Amount:  $_______

Partnership/PAC (if applicable)______________________________




Phone Number:  ___________________________________________


***The campaign is legally required to request identifying information from each contributor.***

Donate Now

Help Becky Run a Winning Campaign


Thank you for your donation!

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